Other Screen Printed Items Pricing Examples: Order 6 dozens per item design (72+) and save!
Example prices are based on orders of 72 items per design. No hidden fees!
(Less expensive options also available. The more items you order the less you pay per piece!)
Other Popular Screen Printable Items: We offer any brand and style available for wholesale in the United States…
Please be advised that not all materials and placements are suitable for screen printing.
Printing Production Specs: Up to 10 color 26″ W x 24″ H prints…
Know Your Ink: Learn what type of ink works best for your designs…
Finishing Services: Get your products ready for retail sales (Only on orders of 72+ pcs)…
Turnarounds: 10 – 15 Business Days!
At Psylo Graphics we always try our best to have your items ready as soon as we possibly can but can only guarantee 2-3 week turnarounds after a deposit to cover blanks and set up fees have been made and all the files and production specifications have been provided and approved. If you need your order ready sooner than 2 weeks, additional fees may apply. Please refer to the chart above for rush order fees.